5 reasons you’re not fulfilled at work

It’s one of the defining characteristics of a man in a rut: he is not fulfilled at work.

Regardless of how long you’ve been in the job, how much tenure at the company, how good you are at it, or how you got into the industry in the first place, if it doesn’t provide a steady and sufficient source of satisfaction, it’s going to become a major drain in your life.

Even if you enjoy the work, if you’re constantly stressed, exhausted, overwhelmed, or failing to produce results, it sucks.

Which of these 5 reasons do you relate to?


1. You’re playing too safe


It’s true what they say about ‘regrets’. You will regret more things you DIDN’T do versus the things you did do.

We, men, feel most ALIVE when we are pushing the boundaries of our capabilities.

The irony of spending too much time in your comfort zone — e.g. sticking in a job you’ve been at forever but don’t enjoy anymore, declining or avoiding new projects or roles, hesitating to make a change — is that soon enough that “comfort” is replaced by a whole lot of “discomfort”.

Playing it safe, worrying about your security, ultimately puts you in a prison of doubt and regret.

And that’s the EXACT OPPOSITE of freedom.

A man who doesn’t feel free will never be truly fulfilled.


2. You’re playing too small


 Somewhere along the way, you lowered your expectations and downgraded your dreams.

It might have happened from a series of failures or setbacks. A track record of underwhelming success or just never quite getting this phase of your career off the ground.

It’s led you to settle for work you don’t want but feel is essential to keep the income coming in.

Unfortunately, the longer you stay there, the more you undermine your confidence, undervalue yourself and start to believe that there is a real ceiling on the happiness – and success – you’ll find in your career.


3. You’re playing it by ear


Do you ever find yourself being “too casual” about your work and career choices?

Too much of just going with the flow?

Letting the company decide what your next move will be?

Being a passenger along for the ride?

What might have started as a successful strategy earlier in your career when you were learning the ropes and open to opportunities, will eventually leave you confused, disillusioned and rudderless.

Too many men who play it by ear, wake up in the second half of their career and realize they don’t know what they want or how to figure that out.

This becomes a troubling predicament that can eat away at your identity and sense of direction. Which, in turn, makes it nearly impossible to experience inner peace. 


4. You’re playing the game


Do you remember what attracted you to your line of work, to begin with?

Was it the money? Prestige? The opportunity to be involved in something that mattered?

When that initial spark wears off and the challenge is gone it’s easy to fall into the trap of continuing to play the game, handcuffed by the pay, perks, and benefits…

But when the work no longer is meaningful to you, lacks purpose, and doesn’t align with your values anymore, something has to give.

Sadly, I see too many men chose to give up their freedom and squash their dreams for the sake of “perceived” security by continuing to stay stuck where they are.

Don’t do that.

Don’t choose fear over your dreams. It will never make you happy.


5. You’re played out 


Last on this list but perhaps the biggest one of them all.

Work that is used to stimulate and engage you have become a constant source of stress, anxiety, worry, and fatigue.

You are worn out, burnt out, and played out.

The pace you’ve been going at isn’t sustainable. The demands you face aren’t manageable. The consequences are mounting.

You constantly worry about your health and want to get off your meds and off the treadmill of life.

Your marriage is strained or worse, unrepairable.

You are NOT being the role model you need to be for your kids.

Your attitude is more and more a mix of complacency, anger, apathy, and defensiveness.

It’s not your fault. It’s just that your work environment or the nature of the work itself has beaten you down to the point it’s affecting every area of your life.

It’s been so long since you felt accomplished and fulfilled that it’s hard to see the positive let alone the way out of your rut.

So, which of those five big reasons best describes why YOU’RE not fulfilled at work?

If you can relate to ANY of these, know you’re not alone and know that you don’t have to stay stuck where you are.

Curious about how YOU can take back control of your career and success?

If so, I invite you to join us for our upcoming free masterclass:

"The 5-Step Strategy Men Are Using To Get Their Career Success Back On Track With Greater Energy, Confidence, Drive And Fulfillment"

When you join us for this training you’ll discover…

  • A step-by-step game plan men use to stop feeling stuck and reclaim their sense of power and purpose with more confidence, clarity and fire in the belly...
  • How to break out of the cycle of stress and inaction and rebuild iron-clad discipline and mental strength to perform consistently at your best...
  • How to get out of your head, stop the over-analysis and put an end to the fears and doubts that block you from achieving your potential...
  • The RIGHT way to achieve maximum results without working endless hours...

…and BEST OF ALL, you’ll learn how to do all these things while being fully engaged with your family and a proud role model for your kids.

If you’re like most men who attend the masterclass, you’ll find yourself with a new level of clarity and motivation to turn your situation around once and for all.

And that is a very good place to be. So, go ahead and do what thousands of other success-minded men have done and…


I promise, the time you spend in this training will be FAR more valuable than anything else you may be working on right now.

Curious? Skeptical? Either way, join me and see how we help our clients get back in the driver's seat of their career and life…

Learn the 5-Step strategy men are using to get unstuck and take control of their career direction with greater confidence, clarity and purpose.

To your potential,


Chris Janzen,

Founder & Coach, The Ignition Academy


I promise it will be the most rewarding 45 minutes you have ever spent working on your career.