When the going gets tough, where do you get going?

It’s no surprise that a common theme amongst best-selling books today is ‘Leadership in Tough Times’. It’s a critical topic and one that applies to the business world as much as it does to your personal life.

How do you respond in tough times, when life presents a ‘major problem’?

Do you get angry and start to blame others?

Do you freeze like a deer in headlights, trapping yourself in analysis paralysis?

Do you act like a victim and complain that there’s nothing you can do?

Maybe you seek shelter from the storm by turning to the fridge, the bar or some other pleasure-seeking distraction?

It’s easy to be a leader when things are going well.

Profits rising? What an outstanding CEO!

Back-to-back championships? The captain and the coach are going to the Hall of Fame!

Epic family holiday? World’s Greatest Dad creates awesome memories for his kids!

Yet, the true test of a leader is when things turn for the worst.

Do YOU remain decisive and focused when everyone else is losing their mind?

Do YOU act as a role model and lead by example in your attitude and actions?

Do YOU compartmentalize the stress at work so you can be present for your loved ones at home?

Do YOU maintain the determination and discipline needed to turn your situation around when life knocks you down – loss of job, failed business, dissatisfying career path, major health scare or a messy divorce?

Look, if you’ve been tossed around by the storms of ‘tough times’ and know that YOU need to be a better leader — of yourself, of your family, of your career trajectory — and you just can’t seem to get your head above water in any consistent way, we should talk.

Everyday we support men to turn their situation around.

We’ve seen every problem and dealt with every challenge.

You don’t need to suffer on your own or struggle any longer.

Curious about how YOU can take back control of your career and success?

If so, I invite you to join us for our upcoming free masterclass:

"The 5-Step Strategy Men Are Using To Get Their Career Success Back On Track With Greater Energy, Confidence, Drive And Fulfillment"

When you join us for this training you’ll discover…

  • A step-by-step game plan men use to stop feeling stuck and reclaim their sense of power and purpose with more confidence, clarity and fire in the belly...
  • How to break out of the cycle of stress and inaction and rebuild iron-clad discipline and mental strength to perform consistently at your best...
  • How to get out of your head, stop the over-analysis and put an end to the fears and doubts that block you from achieving your potential...
  • The RIGHT way to achieve maximum results without working endless hours...

…and BEST OF ALL, you’ll learn how to do all these things while being fully engaged with your family and a proud role model for your kids.

If you’re like most men who attend the masterclass, you’ll find yourself with a new level of clarity and motivation to turn your situation around once and for all.

And that is a very good place to be. So, go ahead and do what thousands of other success-minded men have done and…


I promise, the time you spend in this training will be FAR more valuable than anything else you may be working on right now.

Curious? Skeptical? Either way, join me and see how we help our clients get back in the driver's seat of their career and life…

Learn the 5-Step strategy men are using to get unstuck and take control of their career direction with greater confidence, clarity and purpose.

To your potential,


Chris Janzen,

Founder & Coach, The Ignition Academy


I promise it will be the most rewarding 45 minutes you have ever spent working on your career.